
The Runner’s Package

The ultimate package for running guidance

You’re getting into running and you need guidance. Maybe you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start. Or you’ve been running for a while and are looking to improve or target a specific event.

Increasing running volume does come with an increased injury risk. Here at the Running Science clinic, we specialise in reducing the risk of overload injury. Our approach is informed and practical, based on years of clinical experience. Do you have questions like these?

  • How much should I run?
  • Is my technique ok?
  • Is heel striking bad?
  • What shoes should I wear?
  • What about shin pain?
  • Should I do strength work?

Whether you’re new to running or just keen to increase your base, the runner’s package can help you. Having some one-on-one guidance can dramatically reduce injury risk and help with performance. This package contains four key sessions to get you off on the right foot

What’s included in our runner’s package?

We offer three different options so you can tailor our services to your needs.

The Essential

Includes a running technique assessment and a pair of professionally fitted running shoes.

The Works

Includes the following sessions:

Session 1: Initial consultation and biomechanical assessment 

Expect a thorough analysis of your body, identifying key areas of tightness, weakness or concern. Any injuries can be assessed here if they’re present and we’ll prescribe running footwear in this session too.

Session 2: Running technique assessment 

This is our signature service. Get advice and analysis on foot strike, leg swing, posture, cadence and more. Your running technique may be tweaked to reduced stress on your body or to improve performance. Expect video footage and visual feedback during this session. 

Session 3: Runner’s strength session 

Our practitioners will design a realistic strength program to help with your physical performance. This will fit in with your busy schedule and existing exercise regime (if any). You don’t need any weights to get started on strength – our programs are designed to use resources you already have.

Session 4: Running program 

Perhaps the most important session in the package, the running program will focus on running volume.  

Running overload is the main risk of running injuries and our practitioners have firsthand experience here. Returning from a major injury? Training for your next ultra marathon? We begin with where you’re at, with your short-term and long-term goals in mind to get you going. This is a verbal session and we’ll analyse your running history. Please bring in any relevant history (eg. Strava) for this session.

The Works and Shoes

Includes everything in The Works package and a pair of professionally fitted running shoes.


The Essential: $399

The Works: $590

The Works and Shoes: $750

Frequently asked questions

We want to ensure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision. Here are answers to some common questions about our package:

1. Who is this package suitable for?

Our runner’s package is designed for runners of all levels, who are looking to get started, increase their running volume or target a specific event/distance. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner aiming to improve your performance, our package will provide you with the tools and knowledge to hit your goals.

2. Can I claim the package cost through my health fund?

After your session, we’ll provide you with an itemised receipt detailing the components of the package. You can then submit this receipt to your health fund provider for a rebate, depending on your level of cover.

3. How do I schedule my sessions?

Simply book in for your first session via the booking page. At the end of this session, we’ll book in the other sessions according to your availability. We recommend at least a week between each session.

4. Can I buy this package as a gift for someone?

Absolutely! You can purchase the Runner’s Package as a digital gift voucher or, if you prefer, we can arrange a physical voucher. Buy it here.

Book The Runner’s Package