
All our staff are trained in performing best-in-class “Gait Analysis”. The customer or referred patient is asked to remove their socks and roll up their pants so that a full view of the ankle joint is on display. The analysis is done using a combination of three equally important things:

  • A treadmill so the action of running is carefully monitored and the whole gait cycle is observed. This is important because without viewing all aspects of the gait cycle (early, mid and late) it is very difficult to establish a correct assessment.
  • A rear facing camera which projects the runner’s feet onto an LCD screen.
  • A trained assessor who pays careful attention to the gait cycle and analyses the foot and ankle movement, enabling a correct decision on footwear. Whether it means a neutral shoe catering for a flat and wide foot or a motion control shoe for a heavy pronation, we always provide the most appropriate type of shoe for every foot.

After these steps have been completed the chosen options will again be reviewed on the treadmill to determine that the shoe is providing the stability and support required.